
This Data Privacy Day, Explore These Essential Tips For Staying Safe On Social Media

In today’s interconnected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to connect with friends, family, and communities across the globe. However, as we immerse ourselves in the digital landscape, it’s important to prioritize our online safety and security.


From protecting personal information to avoiding scams and cyberbullying, staying safe on social media requires alertness and awareness. By following some essential tips and adopting safe browsing habits, you can protect your digital identity, maintain your privacy, and enjoy a positive and secure social media experience.


Check out this list of essential tips and practices for safeguarding your digital identity and enjoying a positive and secure social media experience.


1. Guard Your Personal Information



Protecting your personal information is paramount when it comes to online safety. Be cautious about sharing sensitive details such as your full name, address, phone number, and financial information on social media platforms.


2. Use Strong and Unique Passwords


Strengthen your account security by using strong, complex passwords for your social media accounts. Avoid using easily guessable passwords such as "123456" or "password" and opt for a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Also, use different passwords for each of your accounts to minimize the risk of multiple accounts being compromised if one is breached.


3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)



Enhance your account security by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible. 2FA adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your mobile device or email, in addition to your password. 


4. Be Mindful of What You Share


Think twice before posting or sharing content on social media. Consider the potential consequences of sharing personal photos, opinions, or sensitive information, and be mindful of who may see or access your posts. Remember that once something is posted online, it can be difficult to remove or control who views it.


5. Stay Alert for Scams and Phishing Attempts



Be vigilant for scams and phishing attempts on social media, which often involve fraudulent messages or links designed to trick users into revealing personal information or downloading malware. Exercise caution when clicking on links or responding to messages from unknown or suspicious sources, and report any suspicious activity to the platform's security team.


6. Verify the Authenticity of Accounts and Content


Be aware of fake accounts and misinformation on social media, which can spread quickly and deceive unsuspecting users. Verify the authenticity of accounts and content by checking for verified badges, reviewing the account's history and activity, and cross-referencing information with reputable sources. 


7. Protect Your Mental Health



Social media can have a significant impact on mental health and well-being, especially when it comes to comparison, cyberbullying, and online harassment. Take breaks from social media when needed, cultivate a healthy relationship with technology, and prioritize self-care and offline activities to maintain a balanced and positive mindset.


8. Be Respectful and Considerate


Promote a culture of respect and kindness on social media by treating others with empathy, civility, and compassion. Avoid engaging in online arguments or confrontations, and refrain from sharing or commenting on content that is offensive, inflammatory, or harmful. Remember that behind every profile is a real person with feelings and experiences.





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Apple has unveiled iOS 17.4 beta 2, bringing significant updates, here is everything you need to know

Apple has initiated beta testing for its upcoming iOS 17.4 update, which includes macOS 14.4 beta 2, watchOS 10.4 beta 2, and tvOS 17.4 beta 2 updates. Currently accessible to iOS users participating in public beta testing and developers, the new beta OS version brings remarkable enhancements. Apple has introduced significant updates to the App Store and iPhone, aligning with the Digital Markets Act across 27 European Union countries.


1. When is iOS 17.4 releasing?



According to reports, Apple is set to launch the official version of iOS 17.4 in the initial week of March 2024. The final release timing is also expected to align with the legal obligations that Apple must adhere to in the European region.


As per the Digital Markets Act, Apple has been instructed to implement certain modifications to the iPhone and the App Store, with a deadline set for March 6. Consequently, it is expected that Apple will release iOS 17.4 either before or on March 6 to comply with these requirements.


2. Upcoming new features of iOS 17.4



As mentioned earlier, the latest iOS 17.4 update introduces substantial changes to both the App Store and iPhone. These modifications include the inclusion of support for additional web browsers, the provision of assistance for alternative app marketplaces, and much more.


Here are the details of the new iOS update -


1. Alternative app marketplaces


For the first time, iPhone users have the option to get applications from sources other than the App Store, such as the Epic Games Store. This development resulted from the EU's antitrust ruling against Apple.


2. Browser Option



iPhone users now have the ability to decide their default browser through a pop-up notification in Safari. Also, users are now able to utilize browsers operating on engines distinct from WebKit, such as Firefox or Chrome.


3. Payment flexibility


In the latest iOS 17.4 beta, iPhone users have the capability to make in-app purchases utilizing payment methods beyond Apple Pay, including options like PayPal or Venmo. Also, they have the freedom to establish their default NFC and wallet applications for Apple Pay.


4. Stolen Device Protection


In the latest update, iPhone users can also choose to always enforce a security delay when modifying security settings, even in familiar locations. This enhancement will present a challenge for thieves attempting to deactivate Find My iPhone or wipe the device.


5. Podcast Transcripts


This fresh addition enables iPhone users to explore transcripts of podcast episodes within the Apple Podcasts app. These transcripts, crafted by Apple, resemble the real-time lyrics feature found in Apple Music.


6. Siri Enhancement



With the iOS 17.4 beta update, iPhone users now have the ability to instruct Siri to read messages in languages different from the ones they use for other Siri tasks. Users can include languages via the Settings app under Siri & Search > Messaging with Siri.


7. New Emoji


iPhone users now have access to seven additional emoji options, including a heart with a bandage, a face exhaling, and a face in the clouds. Additionally, there are new variations of family emoji featuring different genders and skin tones.


8. Vision Pro Compatibility


For users of Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2, it's now possible to disable Double Tap while wearing Vision Pro. This helps prevent conflicts between Apple Watch gestures and those of Vision Pro.


Furthermore, iOS 17.4 introduces several minor adjustments. These include the renaming of the Listen Now tabs to Home tabs in the Podcasts and Music apps, the addition of the address bar in Safari, the inclusion of the Identifiable Region label in the Settings app, and the extension of the Siri shortcut to Germany.


What Lies Ahead? It's worth noting that iOS 17.4 remains in its beta testing phase, and Apple might unveil additional updates before the official launch in March. For beta testers, it's important to recognize that this version may contain potential bugs and glitches that could impact iPhone performance and battery life.



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Google Gemini Ultra is now available in India, Here is all you need to know

Google has made several announcements, which included renaming Bard to Gemini and introducing a new standalone Gemini app for Android. Also, Gemini access was extended to iOS users in the Google app, alongside the launch of Gemini Advanced. For those unfamiliar with Gemini Advanced, it can be compared to ChatGPT Plus. Similar to the premium model of ChatGPT, Gemini Advanced will be offered on a subscription basis and is built on Google’s most sophisticated multimodal model, Gemini Ultra.


Before delving into the details of Gemini Advance, here’s a quick recap of recent developments. Google recently introduced Gemini, its AI multimodal, which is available in three sizes. Firstly, there’s Gemini Nano, designed primarily for on-device tasks. Then there’s Gemini Pro, which offers scalability across various tasks and is slightly more efficient than Nano and finally, there's Gemini Ultra, Google's largest and most capable version of Gemini, as per the company as capable of handling "highly complex tasks." So far, users have had access to Gemini Nano and Gemini Pro through Bard. 




However, the company aimed to simplify the process. Therefore, to "mirror the advanced technology at its core," the company revealed on February 8th that Bard will now be referred to as Gemini. This tool is available online in 40 languages and will soon be accessible through a new Gemini app for Android devices and the Google app on iOS.


What about Gemini Ultra?



Gemini Ultra has been rebranded as Gemini Advanced. According to Google, the Advanced version is proficient in reasoning, following instructions, coding, and creative collaboration.


What is the price of Gemini Advance in India?

Gemini Advanced is available through a subscription to Google One AI Premium, priced starting at Rs 1,950 per month for users in India. This subscription not only provides access to Gemini Advanced but also includes 2TB of storage and access to Gemini across various platforms such as Gmail, Docs, Slides, Sheets, and other platforms previously known as Duet AI.


How to use Gemini Advance



Gemini Advanced is accessible to users through a subscription to the Google One AI Premium plan. This new plan enhances the existing Google One service, which provides increased storage and exclusive product features. In India, the AI Premium plan starts at Rs 130 per month.

Gemini Advance offers users access to features such as "Help me write," powered by Duet AI, now renamed Gemini for Workspace. This implies that subscribers of Gemini Advance can utilize the capabilities of Gemini Ultra within workspace applications like Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet.



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